Chlorine: Should you remove it from your water?

Chlorine is a chemical most commonly known for its use in pools. However, it is found in more places than just this summer hangout. Chlorine is a key component in products ranging from pesticides to solvents to rubber and often even drinking water (yikes!). Although many of us are exposed to chlorine in our attempts to cool down from the heat, not many are aware of the dangers of this chemical. Unwanted exposure to chlorine can result in chest tightness, blurred vision, nausea/vomiting, and a burning sensation in the nose/throat/eyes. Long term complications are even more precarious, resulting in pulmonary edema (fluid build up in the lungs.) It is important to note that chlorine exposure does not occur solely through the contact of the chemical with the skin. Contact between the chemical and the eye can occur if chlorine is released into the air. Additionally, chlorine can be breathed in once released into the air. Chlorine also becomes problematic when it comes to bathing and showering as it can be absorbed through the skin. It is imperative for the safety of your home to ensure that the levels of Chlorine in your water are reduced. This includes not just your drinking water, but water used for cooking and washing must be chlorine-free. Click here to learn more about how to reduce chlorine from every faucet.