Tap Water Contaminants

Contaminants that can sometimes be found in drinking water can have a serious effect on your health. Some contaminants, such as cesium, iodine, lead, strontium, and tritium can lead to cancer. Other contaminants, such as chlorate, chlorite, cyanide, ethylbenzene, and xylenes can cause other organ, respiratory, and neurological issues. Chlorite and chlorate are a byproduct of disinfection in systems involving chlorine dioxide, and can cause thyroid gland effects, neurobehavioral effects, decreased absolute brain weight, and altered liver weights. Cyanide is introduced into water by industrial and mining effluents and are released from organic compounds, and exposure can cause hypersensitivity, asthma, or bronchitis. Ethylbenzene and xylenes come from the emissions or spills of petroleum and chemical industries, and exposure can lead to liver and pituitary gland issues or neuromuscular effects. Carcinogenic contaminants can also be found in drinking water. Cesium and strontium come from nuclear weapons and reactors and can cause multiple cancers. Iodine can also cause multiple cancers and comes from sewage effluent. Lead and tritium are naturally occurring but can lead to cancer as well. While some of these contaminants may not have immediate health consequences, they can be dangerous if you’re exposed to them for a long period of time. Even at low doses, the effects can be cumulative over the years. In the United States, there is a requirement to test for all of the contaminant standards, while in other countries such as Canada, cities test selectively for contaminants that are more likely to be in their water based on location. Despite the fact that many countries do have standards for testing drinking water, having a water purifier in your home could help keep your water even safer. A water purification system like the one offered by Wave Home can make the water in your home even healthier for you and your family.

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